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Wednesday 8 December 2010

Existence Of Buddha Dhamma

Lord Buddha said that after He get nirvana, Buddha Dhamma only can exist about 12.000 years plus 100 years :
        1.   First 1000 years; many people can success not reincarnation anymore only by doing precepts or sila.
        2.  Second 1000 years; many people can success not reincarnation anymore again by doing meditation.
        3.  Last 10.000 years; is the down morale era which a lot of people starting not believe in cause and effect,   many people can success not reincarnation anymore only by pronounce Amitabha Buddha. But Buddha Dhamma will get prolongation about 100 years, because many people still trust in Infinite Life Sutra (Mahayana Pure Land Sutra佛说大乘無量寿莊严清净平等觉經)


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