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Wednesday 8 December 2010

Why In This Life We Didn’t Understand Buddha Dhamma?

All is because we have root of bad karma from past life. That root of bad karma has obstacle our wisdom heart. So,we cannot understand the nature law is.

If we can understand Buddha Dhamma after someone explain it, is that mean we have root of good karma from the past life? Yes. All our good karma from past guide us to be understand all dhamma, and so we can start to practice it. But if we didn’t understand Buddha Dhamma and we still have vow to understand it, in this life too we can reach that understanding, when our bad karma from past life is already clean away by practicing good everyday.

If we doing good practice in Dhamma, is that mean we have root of good karma from past life? Yes, but it’s not 100%. If we have root of good karma from past life, but in present life we didn’t do good karma, so the practice will fail. If we have root of bad karma from past life, but in present life we do good karma, so the practice will success. It’s depend on their karma in present life too.

We can learn from Anuruddha’s life, he is one of Lord Buddha’s student. Anuruddha so sincere even he is not a smart person, he also easily to forget something. Since little Anuruddha always cannot understand anything and forgot all lesson from all his teacher. One time Anuruddha’s elder brother leave house and become a monk, Anuruddha follow him, even his brother said that to be a monk is hard things to do and learn dhamma is very deep also difficult. After Anurrudha become a monk, all lesson from recite from Lord Buddha and which his elder brother thought him, he cannot understood and cannot remember. One day Anuruddha is upset because he cannot understood all dhamma, at that time he meet Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha ask him, why he upset, and he told all. After heard that story, Lord Buddha give him a broom and told him to clean the dust around their place everyday and always pronounce this 4 words, “Sweep dust clean dirt”. Anuruddha very happy and do it right away. Lord Buddha tell Ananda to tell all monks who meet Anuruddha just pronounce him only this 4 words, “Sweep dust clean dirt”. All monks do that for Anuruddha, so Anuruddha keep sweeping everyday and pronounce that 4 words while he is on sweeping. One day, Anuruddha is sleeping, and in his dream he remember this 4 words “Sweep dust clean dirt”, finaly he got the Enlightment. The day after, Anuruddha is on meditating and a lot of monks on seeing him, suddenly his brother come near him and call him to teach dhamma. Since that day, he can understand all Buddha Dhamma.


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