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Wednesday 8 December 2010

Pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s Name (念阿弥陀佛)

We pronounce Buddha’s and Boddhisattva’s Name is to praise and to get contact with all Buddhas and Boddhisattvas.

Amitabha Buddha have vow that, if, when I attain Buddhahood, pious man and pious woman who pronounce My name for ten times, they cannot be born in Pure Land, may I not attain perfect Enlightenment. People who born in Pure Land all are pious person and all have vow to be born (往生) in that land.

If there is a pious man or pious woman who hears of Amitabha and holds His name whether for one day, two days, three, four, five days, six days, as long as seven days with one mind unconfused, when this person nears the end of life, before him will appear Amitabha and all the Assembly of Holy Ones. When the end comes, his mind will not be utterly confused, and in Amitabha's Land of Utmost Happiness he will quickly be reborn.

There are 3 levels if we pronouncing Amitabha Buddha’s name (念阿弥陀佛) :
         1.       Ability Build(功夫成片)
a.       Start no clings (执着), but not 100 % yet
b.      They know when they born (预知时至)in Pure Land (Sukhavati )
         2.       No Clings (事一心不乱)
a.       100% no clings (执着) or already let go worldly things(放下)
b.      Still have differenciation(分别)in their vision
c.       Still have imaginations(妄想)
d.      Free decide they own born in Pure Land date(自在往生)
         3.       No Dust and San(理一心不乱)
a.       100% no clings (执着)or already let go worldly things(放下)
b.      100% no differenciation(分别)in their vision
c.       Still have a bit imaginations(妄想)
d.      Free decide they own born in Pure Land date自在往生)

Ability Build(功夫成片)level , when we reach this level our vision sense (magical power) a bit open, but it out of our control, and only can be use sometime (only a few seconds). Our eyes/sight can see creatures and world from other realms (animals shape of hells creatures, shapes of devas, shapes of other creatures, things from other realms, etc.), our ears can hear sound from other realms (voices, heart voices, musics from other realms, etc.) and understand other languages, our tounge can taste the truth taste of food (tasteless : no sour, no sweet, no bitter, no salty, etc.), our nose can smell other realms smell (smell fragrance of heavens, smell toxic of hells, incense from people, etc.), our skin feel the touches from other realms (touching from other creatures or hitting other realms things), we can see the past from our dream when we fall asleep (only a cut of past). All this vision sense (magical power) is not because others contact to us, but it because we get contact to them. Our signal from heart is catch with others things.

No Clings (事一心不乱)level, this level is higher than Ability Build level. All matter that we meet cannot entangled our heart. That mean we can solve all things easily and we feel no matter at all in this world for us. This level of vision sense (magical power) is higher than Ability Buiid level. We can use the vision sense (magical power).

No Dust and Sand(理一心不乱)level, this level is the highest. Nothing in this world can entangled our heart, but we still have some imaginations(妄想) which actually no need to appear. Our heart will be stand still and no move, only imagination still moving our heart, even our vision sense (magical power) cannot make our heart moving. We still have to practice to throw away our imaginations, because to be born in Pure Land is for achieve the ultimate vision of the nature law.


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