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Monday 13 December 2010

Who Am I?

Buddha said that if we already awake or become a Buddha, we can find a question in our heart, “who am i?”
This question is not shows that they get amnesia or lost memory.

“Form is not different from emptiness,
emptiness is not different from form.
Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.
So it is with feeling, conception, volition, and
We can make our form by our karma. Let’s see our past life. Maybe I was a hell creature, maybe I was a hungry ghost, maybe I was an asura, maybe I was an animal, maybe I was a human, maybe I was a deva.
Now let’s see our future life, I can be a hell creature, I can be a hungry ghost, I can be an asura, I can be an animal, I can be a human again, I can be deva, I can be an Arahant, I can be a Pachekka Buddha, I can be a Boddhisattva, I can be a Buddha in the next life.
If i do good (mind, body, talk), i'm a follower of Buddha. If i do bad (mind, body, talk), i'm a follower of Mara/Demon.

 “All dharmas are empty in character;
neither arising nor ceasing,
neither impure nor pure,
neither increasing nor decreasing.
Therefore, in emptiness, there is no form;
there is no feeling, conception, volition, or
no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, or mind;
no form, sound, smell, taste, touch, or dharmas;
no realm of vision, and so forth,
up to no realm of mind-consciousness”
Our form from the beginning is empty but it form. Emptyness mean form, form mean emptyness. In this sutra tell us that we are same form. Same has ability, same didn’t see the dharma, didn’t have feeling too, no conception, no volition, no conciousness. We are not build in a shape.

 “no ignorance or ending of ignorance, and so forth,
up to no aging and death or ending of aging and
death.There is no suffering, no cause, no extinction, no
There is no wisdom and no attainment.
There is nothing to be attained.”
No suffering, no anything, even no wisdom. Our karma is create the life, create the wisdom, create something to be attained. Read carefully, we shouldn’t reach anything, for example “attain nirvana”. It our karma make this happening. There’s no ignorance and no aending of ignorance. Since first time we exist, we all know all, but suddenly we make our heart is moving, we did karma, and we see the difference and make some clings, and all is keep in our karma storage(阿赖耶识).

Since the first time, we are emptyness in form and form in emptyness, it has no difference between us. The truth is we are all same, in that sutra has explain hide meaning that we are nothing, come to the world has nothing to be attain and no suffering at all, theres no me in this world. Who am i?

I don’t need to be famous, I don’t need to be rich, I don’t need to be respect by others, I don’t need to be the one who always win, I don’t need to harm others, etc ….

All in this world is anicca, nothing should be attain by oneself.

We have age here, life is uncertain and die is certain, nothing to be attain by me oneself.

All living being are have one purpose is to live happy together, nothing to be attain by me oneself.

All in this life is a dream, all people want to have nice dream, we can’t catch others, but we can catch ourself.
The most important is living together, seeing all not have difference.

If we still see the difference, that mean in our heart there is still keeping “I”.

Imagination is causes the “I” concept, when living beings  start “moving” from the time we appear created together in God.

We are actually here in same body, same pce, same time, same position, same not moving, same appearance, same breath, same conciousness, same no mind, same heart, same seed, same not suffering, same vision, same never touching.  But our imagination make our vision are different one and others, so we make karma. And our imagination which bring us far away from us. We should do good karma and avoid bad karma. If we do good good karma, that is what we should do, and that’s nature law is.

No need to see PureLand, we must see this land same as PureLand. No need to meet Sakyamuni Buddha to become a Buddha, in our heart we are same have seed like Sakyamuni Buddha, ofcourse we can become a Buddha like Sakyamuni Buddha with learn and practicing dhamma as well as Him. Sakyamuni Buddha has told us that all people have same seed. Dhamma already with us, all we need just learn the dhamma and understand it very well, then keep practicing your pure heart, the ultimate bliss will come for you.


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