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Monday 3 January 2011

The Meaning Of 48 Vows Of Amitabha Buddha

From beginning God create us, all is in 1 center, 1 body, same heart, same shape, same position, uncoloured and all is same pure and have perfect divine power without touching each other. It says that we are no touching each other, because in that 1 body we still can feel as one personality but still can feel the existance of the other. And all divine power which we have since we exist are written all in the 48 Vows of Amitabha Buddha.

Why Amitabha Buddha make 48 Vows?

Because Amitabha Buddha already show the Heaven's Law to all of living being on the world, that all living being are having all divine power fairly, and the differentiation of the world are created because of our heart on moving. So at the first time we exist, there's no 3 samsara realms (hell realm, hungry ghost realm, animals realm). Amitabha means Unlimited Age. Our age is unlimited, so we shouldn't blind in seeing this concept. Buddha mean Perfect or Ultimate Wisdom. All word like : Buddha, Boddhisattva, Name of Buddha, Vow of Buddha, etc. -- all is only concept, the perfect concept which we can learn it to reach enlightenment and ultimate of happiness. Because we are living in one body, so there's no Buddha self, myself, ourself, other self -- which exist is only "Us" who living together, there's no : i, you, we, they, he, she, it.

But this level of Buddha is exist, even we are was a Buddha, but now we are human. So we still have to respect their kindness, their vows and their practice improved very well. We should follow their way to reach the highest level of practicing, so we can able be success in any way. Between human and Deva, as human we must respect them. Between the old people and younger people, as the younger we must respect the old.


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