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Thursday 6 January 2011

Why Saints Also Called By “Never Return” ?

Saints also call as Never Return. Because all mind, action, words, all is according to sila and dhamma, and their heart also release from cling, anxiety. They practicing very long time and never want to come back to be a rebirth living beings anymore, it shows on the result of their practice is very good and never show backwards action because of anything or even a person in this world.

Why We Still Reincarnated In This World?

1.    Because we still suspicious about the dhamma which teach us to become saint (never return), and that make our practicing is not focus.
2.    Because when we learn dhamma, we put another practicing by our own understanding (whether our heart still full of turbidity and ignorance) about nature law. This thing is make our practicing dhamma is not pure and not focus to target to become saint (never return).

49 Days Roam Realm After Died

We will come to maximum 49 days in Roam Realm before we go to another reincarnation. At that days, our Bunch of Karma (冤亲债主) from hell will appear as our belove (parents, husband/wife, children and other family members), they will flatter us to put bad karma especially in mind. The most important things is we should take care our heart to walk in dhamma always, in any condition out there. If we do good karma at the end of the roam days we will meet a lot of devas even saints, but if we do bad karma at the end of the roam days we will meet a lot of hells beings and hungry ghosts.

Every 7 days, (maximum 49 days) there will be a time to choose which door of heart we want to get it, it's according to ourself heart and practicing improving. So we must becareful in getting mindfulness and practicing, because if we fall down to 3 poisons (greedy/envy, hatred, ignorance), we will meet horrible door in front of our own eyes.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

The Time Our Last Breath (临终的时候)

Sakyamuni Buddha told Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva, when a person should get punish into the Avici Hell but at his/her last breath he/she remember 1 verse of Sutra or minimum remember 1 name of Pachekka Buddha, Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva must take he/she out from hell.

When we are get into our last breath, we use to get into a dream vision in unconscious condition. When we get in to that vision, we will meet a lot of our Bunch of Karma (冤亲债主). And our Bunch of Karma (冤亲债主) are from hell who will appear as our belove (parents, husband/wife, children and other family members), they will flatter us to put bad karma especially in mind, the purpose is so we can get into hell too.

After our last breath, usually 8 to 12 hours we shouldn't touch the dead body neither the bed. The karma storage(阿赖耶识)will be let go the dead body, and at that time the person will feel very hurt and it’s like a turtle being release from it shell. And at that time the person who died maybe will feeling in big hatred, if this person feel hatred, this can fall themself into hell.

This is important for the people who will died and we already give them pronounce Amitabha Buddha's name, all people should support he/she who will die with not crying at all. If someone who will die and his/her family is crying, this person will start to miss this world and it also shaken his vow to be born in Pure Land, so he/she will fail to be born in Pure Land.

If We Still Suspicious About Amitabha Buddha

In Infinite Life Sutra, Chapter 40, told us that if we already pronounce “Amitabha” everytime but we still have suspicious about “Amitabha”, so we still be pick up by Amitabha Buddha but we won’t born in Pure Land (Sukhavati). We will born in the world which so near with Pure Land’s corner line, but we will live about total 500 years of life (as rebirth living beings), there and we wont meet any Buddhas or Boddhisattvas also we didn’t hear to any dhamma at all. After that we will realize and have vow to be born in Pure Land, so Amitabha will pick up us to be born in that Land.

How We Can Know Someone Already Can Be Born In Pure Land?

1.    If someone already meet with Amitabha Buddha in dream with His own appearance similar like in the painting we use to see, Buddha Amitabha will tell us with His own way very clear about the identity of the person who will be born in Pure Land and the time to be pick up to that person only. Amitabha Buddha will remain us about couple times.
2.    If we everyday from first day until 7th day always pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s name with sincere and never stop, also have vow to be born in Pure Land.
3.    When last breath, help them to pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s name so their heart won’t make any backward steps, and don't crying when they will reach their last breath. So they can be born in Pure Land for sure. Because people who already pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s name, but they still cannot reach Ability Built (功夫成片)level, this mean their heart still suspicious in dhamma and having backward steps in practicing dhamma.
4.    The sign if people already born in Pure Land : their dead body is still flexible and not awkward (this is shows that when they die without suffering), and if after their dead body already finish cremation we will see a lot of colourful relic from their bones (appear in some shape : small statues, shells, jade)
5.    If the three of thousand-world realm is on fire, so if we do pronounce Amitabha Buddha's name, we could be born in Pure Land at the end of our last breath.

From Arahant To Become A Buddha

From arahant need years to cultivating their heart until become a Buddha. The fastest way to become a Boddhisattva is by pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s name. This is a dhamma that hard to believe. We people if we want to become a Boddhisattva, the fastest way is by pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s name, and bring our karma to be born in Pure Land.

Enlightenment (明心见性)

Many kind of path in Buddhism, all has same purpose is to reach enlightenment (明心见性). If we can’t see our seed (性), so we never can be a Buddha yet. All living beings have self heart (自心). There are two kind of self heart (自心), pure heart (真心), imaginary heart (妄心). The pure form of our heart is called by pure heart (真心), when we are on doing imagination is called by imaginary heart (妄心). When the imagination is touching karma storage(阿赖耶识)is call by ordinary heart (心).

Our seed (性), is also call by Buddha's seed (佛性) or (法性). This seed is very pure, perfect, can create things, have fantastic divine power, very kind and never doing any movement. The amazing is all living being's seed is source from 1 form or 1 body.

When our seed is moving or start doing imagination, that's we called by imaginary heart (妄心). The imaginary heart create "I" concept and environment appear from heart. After this two things of "I" and environment appeared, so the karma storage(阿赖耶识)is starting make form (5 senses) depending on imagination and karma. After that differentiation is appear in our heart, we will see the distance. If our heart didn't practice well, our 5 senses will start put clings (执着)in our heart, then we will start to make 3 poisons (greedy/envy, hatred, ignorance).

If this imaginary heart (妄心) can put in a practice to loose all clings and some differentiation, we can open our low divine power. The low divine power will come as a fruit of our good practice and our heart won't get any backwards step in practicing. And this is called by enlightenment (明心见性).

Karma storage(阿赖耶识)is like a 2 side of mirror, and it can shows the result of our bad imagination and our anxiety in dream about kind of people or things. If we trust that our bad imagination, and we will keep Bunch of Karma (冤亲债主) , so in next life if we meet them we will automatically shows our to that kind of people or things, usually is bad. In dreams, not all is true, sometime only a mind from past. If we also always do good karma in dreams, we positive can reach the highest realm, because to do good karma in dreams is a hardest thing to do, moreover our heart is already covered by clings.

Our seed (性) or pure heart (真心) or Buddha's seed (佛性) , is like a transparant ball and it so clear, no dust at all inside of it, and glow many rainbow lights to everywhere from the skin of the ball. Our imaginary heart (妄心), is like uncoloured/white ball which has 5 sense, this called by Boddhisattva's heart. If our imaginary heart (妄心) covered by cling differentiation, so it's like a ball that has coloured and not transparent, this called by Rebirth Living Being's heart. If we can see (using own eyes) this kind of form, more over we can see (using own body) the real of Buddha's heart, so our understanding already reach enlightenment, minimum our understanding reach "In Heart Nothing Can Entangled(理一心不乱)Level" or 三昧 .

The Way To Reach "No Dust and Sand(理一心不乱)Level" In Pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s Name (念阿弥陀佛)

We see all concepts is all same and matter are we suppose to meet but it only because we still live in this condition. Our vision won't get backwards, because we already see the real of universe and real of our heart. Nothing in this world can change our fix vision about real heart and real universe. But we still have imagination, sometime good, sometime bad. Because in this world we still keeping our mind only, we still keep thinking and make the mind is exist.

This level is shows all living being are all same form and has no different, the dust and sand is shows the large amount of living beings. We can see large amount of living being, which cannot count the amount even using Buddha's counting ability.

If our understanding already reach this level, our heart which still full of  differenctiation and turbidity can reach enlightenment (明心见性) understanding, so we can see the real shape of seed (性) which are the Real Buddha's Heart.

But our practice is better than No Clings (事一心不乱)Level, we can keep all imagination inside of our mind, without comes out as bad karma.

All our action when we reach to this level will be similar like a Boddhisattva.

The Way To Reach "No Clings (事一心不乱)Level" In Pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s Name (念阿弥陀佛)

We see all problem in front of us, it's not as an obstacles for us. The meeting of all living being is the way it is.The problem is appear because our heart catch a differenciation to be a cling. We never learn to control our heart to be in a colourful similarity. Because we sticked in some concept or imagination which is so extremely into ourself patent vision.

This all causes our heart didn't open the highest wisdom to our own vision which already we limited it. So in this limited vision, we can meet something which called by problem.

If we still have clings, all our problem which in mind can be a topic to be discuss to the other people, because we make that problem as an anxiety in our heart. When we get anxiety, all we need just pronounce "Amitabha" in our heart, and just let the anxiety gone with the wind, by doing good karma always. But if we see or hear bad karma in front of us we only just feel sad about that, and won't discuss any longer about it to other people, because we already know all answer.

All our action when we reach to this level will be similar like an Arahant.

The Way To Reach "Ability Builted(功夫成片)Level" In Pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s Name (念阿弥陀佛)

Everytime we have bad mind comes out and before that bad mind become real into a patent mind or an action to others, we should stop or change that bad mind with pronounce “Amitabha” inside heart. It’s like grass that grow (bad karma mind comes out) but we close the grass with stone (pronounce “Amitabha”) so the grass won’t grow any longer, but the grass are still exist. If we do this everytime the bad minds are comes out, we can successful to reach Ability Built (功夫成片), because our heart shows not any backwards step to be a bad person anymore. If we already reach this level, so we already can meet Amitabha Buddha and He already tell us the time we can be born in Pure Land (往生) date.

How To Be A Pious Man And Pious Woman Who Can Be Born In Pure Land According The Amitabha Sutras?

1.    Homage (filial piety) to the parents. Minimum : obey and follow the teaching of our parents, already ask for forgiving from the parents and not doing the very bad mistake again, never kill parents.
2.    Respect teacher and all human.
3.    Learn Dhamma and hear a lot of recite about Dhamma.
4.    Always practicing Dhamma without feeling tire.
5.    Pleasure to involve in Dhamma activities (ceremony, social activities, giving donation, etc.).
6.    Trust if all living being are good from the beginning (the dark side of them is only because of their ignorance).
7.    Throw away worldly things minimum about 50% and the result is never return to be below from 50%, example:
a.    egoism, reputation, profit, worship,
b.    5 sense desire (whealth, sex /love between man and woman, name, food, sleep)
c.    greedy/envy, hatred, ignorance, arrogance

Monday 3 January 2011

The Way To Pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s Name (念阿弥陀佛)

1.     Pronounce “Namo Amitabha” or “Amitabha”
2.    Pronounce every 10 counts, after the 10 counts we should start count from 1
3.    We shouldn’t pronounce like this : “Amitabha one, Amitabha two, … “, and count the pronounce only inside our heart ,no need to use fingers to count.
4.    When pronounce can use voice or inside our heart. We should reading inside heart when : on working, in the bath room, in the kitchen, when we laying sleep.
5.    When pronounce must sincere, and can pronounce without stop, so we can get contact with Amitabha Buddha.
6.    When last breath, also until 8 to 12 hours from last breath, always help them keep pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s name.

The Meaning Of 48 Vows Of Amitabha Buddha

From beginning God create us, all is in 1 center, 1 body, same heart, same shape, same position, uncoloured and all is same pure and have perfect divine power without touching each other. It says that we are no touching each other, because in that 1 body we still can feel as one personality but still can feel the existance of the other. And all divine power which we have since we exist are written all in the 48 Vows of Amitabha Buddha.

Why Amitabha Buddha make 48 Vows?

Because Amitabha Buddha already show the Heaven's Law to all of living being on the world, that all living being are having all divine power fairly, and the differentiation of the world are created because of our heart on moving. So at the first time we exist, there's no 3 samsara realms (hell realm, hungry ghost realm, animals realm). Amitabha means Unlimited Age. Our age is unlimited, so we shouldn't blind in seeing this concept. Buddha mean Perfect or Ultimate Wisdom. All word like : Buddha, Boddhisattva, Name of Buddha, Vow of Buddha, etc. -- all is only concept, the perfect concept which we can learn it to reach enlightenment and ultimate of happiness. Because we are living in one body, so there's no Buddha self, myself, ourself, other self -- which exist is only "Us" who living together, there's no : i, you, we, they, he, she, it.

But this level of Buddha is exist, even we are was a Buddha, but now we are human. So we still have to respect their kindness, their vows and their practice improved very well. We should follow their way to reach the highest level of practicing, so we can able be success in any way. Between human and Deva, as human we must respect them. Between the old people and younger people, as the younger we must respect the old.