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Tuesday 4 January 2011

The Way To Reach "Ability Builted(功夫成片)Level" In Pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s Name (念阿弥陀佛)

Everytime we have bad mind comes out and before that bad mind become real into a patent mind or an action to others, we should stop or change that bad mind with pronounce “Amitabha” inside heart. It’s like grass that grow (bad karma mind comes out) but we close the grass with stone (pronounce “Amitabha”) so the grass won’t grow any longer, but the grass are still exist. If we do this everytime the bad minds are comes out, we can successful to reach Ability Built (功夫成片), because our heart shows not any backwards step to be a bad person anymore. If we already reach this level, so we already can meet Amitabha Buddha and He already tell us the time we can be born in Pure Land (往生) date.


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