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Tuesday 4 January 2011

The Time Our Last Breath (临终的时候)

Sakyamuni Buddha told Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva, when a person should get punish into the Avici Hell but at his/her last breath he/she remember 1 verse of Sutra or minimum remember 1 name of Pachekka Buddha, Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva must take he/she out from hell.

When we are get into our last breath, we use to get into a dream vision in unconscious condition. When we get in to that vision, we will meet a lot of our Bunch of Karma (冤亲债主). And our Bunch of Karma (冤亲债主) are from hell who will appear as our belove (parents, husband/wife, children and other family members), they will flatter us to put bad karma especially in mind, the purpose is so we can get into hell too.

After our last breath, usually 8 to 12 hours we shouldn't touch the dead body neither the bed. The karma storage(阿赖耶识)will be let go the dead body, and at that time the person will feel very hurt and it’s like a turtle being release from it shell. And at that time the person who died maybe will feeling in big hatred, if this person feel hatred, this can fall themself into hell.

This is important for the people who will died and we already give them pronounce Amitabha Buddha's name, all people should support he/she who will die with not crying at all. If someone who will die and his/her family is crying, this person will start to miss this world and it also shaken his vow to be born in Pure Land, so he/she will fail to be born in Pure Land.


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