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Tuesday 4 January 2011

Enlightenment (明心见性)

Many kind of path in Buddhism, all has same purpose is to reach enlightenment (明心见性). If we can’t see our seed (性), so we never can be a Buddha yet. All living beings have self heart (自心). There are two kind of self heart (自心), pure heart (真心), imaginary heart (妄心). The pure form of our heart is called by pure heart (真心), when we are on doing imagination is called by imaginary heart (妄心). When the imagination is touching karma storage(阿赖耶识)is call by ordinary heart (心).

Our seed (性), is also call by Buddha's seed (佛性) or (法性). This seed is very pure, perfect, can create things, have fantastic divine power, very kind and never doing any movement. The amazing is all living being's seed is source from 1 form or 1 body.

When our seed is moving or start doing imagination, that's we called by imaginary heart (妄心). The imaginary heart create "I" concept and environment appear from heart. After this two things of "I" and environment appeared, so the karma storage(阿赖耶识)is starting make form (5 senses) depending on imagination and karma. After that differentiation is appear in our heart, we will see the distance. If our heart didn't practice well, our 5 senses will start put clings (执着)in our heart, then we will start to make 3 poisons (greedy/envy, hatred, ignorance).

If this imaginary heart (妄心) can put in a practice to loose all clings and some differentiation, we can open our low divine power. The low divine power will come as a fruit of our good practice and our heart won't get any backwards step in practicing. And this is called by enlightenment (明心见性).

Karma storage(阿赖耶识)is like a 2 side of mirror, and it can shows the result of our bad imagination and our anxiety in dream about kind of people or things. If we trust that our bad imagination, and we will keep Bunch of Karma (冤亲债主) , so in next life if we meet them we will automatically shows our to that kind of people or things, usually is bad. In dreams, not all is true, sometime only a mind from past. If we also always do good karma in dreams, we positive can reach the highest realm, because to do good karma in dreams is a hardest thing to do, moreover our heart is already covered by clings.

Our seed (性) or pure heart (真心) or Buddha's seed (佛性) , is like a transparant ball and it so clear, no dust at all inside of it, and glow many rainbow lights to everywhere from the skin of the ball. Our imaginary heart (妄心), is like uncoloured/white ball which has 5 sense, this called by Boddhisattva's heart. If our imaginary heart (妄心) covered by cling differentiation, so it's like a ball that has coloured and not transparent, this called by Rebirth Living Being's heart. If we can see (using own eyes) this kind of form, more over we can see (using own body) the real of Buddha's heart, so our understanding already reach enlightenment, minimum our understanding reach "In Heart Nothing Can Entangled(理一心不乱)Level" or 三昧 .


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