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Thursday 6 January 2011

49 Days Roam Realm After Died

We will come to maximum 49 days in Roam Realm before we go to another reincarnation. At that days, our Bunch of Karma (冤亲债主) from hell will appear as our belove (parents, husband/wife, children and other family members), they will flatter us to put bad karma especially in mind. The most important things is we should take care our heart to walk in dhamma always, in any condition out there. If we do good karma at the end of the roam days we will meet a lot of devas even saints, but if we do bad karma at the end of the roam days we will meet a lot of hells beings and hungry ghosts.

Every 7 days, (maximum 49 days) there will be a time to choose which door of heart we want to get it, it's according to ourself heart and practicing improving. So we must becareful in getting mindfulness and practicing, because if we fall down to 3 poisons (greedy/envy, hatred, ignorance), we will meet horrible door in front of our own eyes.


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