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Tuesday 4 January 2011

How To Be A Pious Man And Pious Woman Who Can Be Born In Pure Land According The Amitabha Sutras?

1.    Homage (filial piety) to the parents. Minimum : obey and follow the teaching of our parents, already ask for forgiving from the parents and not doing the very bad mistake again, never kill parents.
2.    Respect teacher and all human.
3.    Learn Dhamma and hear a lot of recite about Dhamma.
4.    Always practicing Dhamma without feeling tire.
5.    Pleasure to involve in Dhamma activities (ceremony, social activities, giving donation, etc.).
6.    Trust if all living being are good from the beginning (the dark side of them is only because of their ignorance).
7.    Throw away worldly things minimum about 50% and the result is never return to be below from 50%, example:
a.    egoism, reputation, profit, worship,
b.    5 sense desire (whealth, sex /love between man and woman, name, food, sleep)
c.    greedy/envy, hatred, ignorance, arrogance


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