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Tuesday 4 January 2011

The Way To Reach "No Clings (事一心不乱)Level" In Pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s Name (念阿弥陀佛)

We see all problem in front of us, it's not as an obstacles for us. The meeting of all living being is the way it is.The problem is appear because our heart catch a differenciation to be a cling. We never learn to control our heart to be in a colourful similarity. Because we sticked in some concept or imagination which is so extremely into ourself patent vision.

This all causes our heart didn't open the highest wisdom to our own vision which already we limited it. So in this limited vision, we can meet something which called by problem.

If we still have clings, all our problem which in mind can be a topic to be discuss to the other people, because we make that problem as an anxiety in our heart. When we get anxiety, all we need just pronounce "Amitabha" in our heart, and just let the anxiety gone with the wind, by doing good karma always. But if we see or hear bad karma in front of us we only just feel sad about that, and won't discuss any longer about it to other people, because we already know all answer.

All our action when we reach to this level will be similar like an Arahant.


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