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Tuesday 4 January 2011

The Way To Reach "No Dust and Sand(理一心不乱)Level" In Pronounce Amitabha Buddha’s Name (念阿弥陀佛)

We see all concepts is all same and matter are we suppose to meet but it only because we still live in this condition. Our vision won't get backwards, because we already see the real of universe and real of our heart. Nothing in this world can change our fix vision about real heart and real universe. But we still have imagination, sometime good, sometime bad. Because in this world we still keeping our mind only, we still keep thinking and make the mind is exist.

This level is shows all living being are all same form and has no different, the dust and sand is shows the large amount of living beings. We can see large amount of living being, which cannot count the amount even using Buddha's counting ability.

If our understanding already reach this level, our heart which still full of  differenctiation and turbidity can reach enlightenment (明心见性) understanding, so we can see the real shape of seed (性) which are the Real Buddha's Heart.

But our practice is better than No Clings (事一心不乱)Level, we can keep all imagination inside of our mind, without comes out as bad karma.

All our action when we reach to this level will be similar like a Boddhisattva.


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