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Friday 12 November 2010

5 Big Bad Karma Which Cannot Safe People From Punishment Of Hell

                 1. Kill Father
      2. Kill Mother
      3. Harm/Kill Buddha/Boddhisattva (untill bleeding)
      4. Separate unity of sangha into a pieces group
      5. Libel genuine dhamma

This all is 5 very bad karma, who did this, nobody can get nirvana and nobody can get free from Hell punishment, especially Avici Hell. 

The reason why kill Father and Mother is big bad karma is because they are our saviour in this life and we never can repaying it in this life, our life is depends from their protection, education and caring, every second and every way. We can be success like today (intelligent, talented, good looking, healthy), all because of them.

The reason why harm or kill Buddhas and Boddhisattvas is big bad because they are saint, they wisdom and light is very large, they come to this world is to help people from suffering, which nobody cannot do this kind of duty.

The reason why separate unity of sangha into a pieces group is big bad karma is because sangha is in relationship as a sibling, they all are brothers and do same practice to protect the dhamma. If they separate, so where is Buddha Dhamma is. Buddha Dhamma is for all living beings not choosing special for who, because Lord Buddha teaching us to lose differenciation. Sangha should cultivating their heart every second, if someone disturb and seducing them that would be a bad karma too.

We can free from punishment, if we meet a Buddha and follow His teaching, we also practicing well every second.

In Sutra of The Great Vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (地藏菩薩本願經) said that, when someone almost died and they should come into avici hell, at they last breath (临终的时候) they still can remember  1 verse of any sutra, so Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva must pull them from hell.


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