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Wednesday 10 November 2010

What is Buddha Dhamma? 什么是佛教?

Honorable Teacher of Buddha Dhamma is Sakyamuni Buddha. He was born on 3000 years ago at north India (Lumbini, but now is Nepal country). According to Chinese history, Sakyamuni Buddha was Born on calendar of King Zhou Zhao at year of 24 (623 BC). And parinirvana on calendar of King Zhou Zao at Mu year  53, when He at age 79.

The word of this Buddha is translate from Sanskirt mean Prajna and Awarreness. Why before never translate straight to the real meaning but using word of Buddha? Because the meaning of Buddha is very deep and large understanding.

In Chinese dictionary two letter “Prajna” and “Awareness” it cant be accumulate the understanding of Buddha word which so comprehenship and no limit. That’s why using the real word then adding by some explanation.
Word of this Buddha, has meaning “form” and also “application”, the meaning if “form” is Prajna/Wisdom, and the meaning of “application” is Awareness/Enlightment.


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