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Thursday 11 November 2010

Why some people can be in one family, friend and enemy?

This is because they have a connection is call by Bunch of Karma冤亲债主 (yanqingzhaizhu); yan is hatred, qing is love, zai is pay debt, zhu is dun debt (ask debt). All which has wrote in our karma storage(阿赖耶识)doesn’t gone, it exist and we have to through it in this life. Because Buddha Dhamma is learn about past life, present life and future life. All is connected through our karma (业障)

At the past life if someone have hatred () to somebody, in present life maybe he/she can have hatred too to somebody. At the past life if someone have love () to somebody, in present life maybe he/she can have love/like too to somebody. If someone() have debt to somebody and haven’t pay yet, so in this present life he/she must pay the debt at this present life, so that somebody() will ask he/she to pay the debt in this present. This debt not only about money, but also about helping each other, and about life.

We are now are in this circle of life of hatred, love, pay debt and dun debt. If we don’t think about those 4 things, and we only live in dhamma and just do the good to others without seeing the other has debt to us (let go), then we can make all defilements and clings in our heart soon will dissapear.


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