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Thursday 11 November 2010

The Good Attitude While Reading Sutra (经书)

Buddha told us, while we reading sutra/sutta we shouldn’t do anything which can ruin our concentration. For example : yawn, fart, and some bad attitude like that. If we fart, we should keep it and blow it inside our body, do not let it blow to outside.

For sangha, if they reading sutra they must full concentration and very sincere, and also they must read that not less in one word. Its not that all sangha must have good spelling while reading, at least they read with maximum ability. That’s why all sangha must learn how to reading sutra very well.

If we have hatred when reading or hearing Sutra or Dhamma, and  if we feel sleepy when reading or hearing Sutra or Dhamma, all these things is because our bad karma and Bunch of Karma冤亲债主 (yanqingzhaizhu).

We should use our thumbs when we want to indicate Saints (the person and the statue) using our hand.


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