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Thursday 11 November 2010

Emptiness is form, form is emptiness 色即是空,空即是色

Empty is mean formless, form is mean not empty, so why Buddha can said that “Emptiness is form, form is emptiness”?

This is a big question which hard to eplain in short sentences. This sentence is not a denial about something exist and something not exist.

What is called empty and what is called form?

How we hear sound using our ears, how we see things using our eyes, how we breath using our nose, how we feel of touching using our skin, how we taste something using our tounge, how we think using our mind, how we talk using our mouth.  The sound is formless, but we can catch the difference about loud and not, language or music, etc. The signal of sight which catch from the eyes is empty or formless. The air and the wind are empty. The sensation of touching is empty. The taste on our tounge (sweet, bitter, sour, etc.) cannot be seen by eyes, so its empty. The mind id thinking something cannot be seen by eyes so its empty. The sound from our mouth when we speak and singing, its also empty. Inside of all those things, we are form as a body of human.  When we inside our mother pregnancy is from formless into form, when we formless we only a shape of our heart. This is the basic of emptyness.

Why people grows and has difference one and another?  That’s because we have karma storage(阿赖耶识)in our heart. That makes our form as human is difference than other human. And the difference is about our gender, our voice, our colour (skin, eyes, hair), our smell, our body proportion, our talent, our emotion, etc. All form as human is emptyness. If we know about this karma storage(阿赖耶识), why we should have jealously, hatred and ignorence. Because all living beings is basically same good in this life, but it was ourself who make us not good and have difference vision about life.

For example : a television, which has cable, has antenna, has monitor, has speaker, all these things are form, but it can catch something formless from very far place. Another example is a CD audio, we can hear the sound which has been recorded to a disc, and we can hear that on player only.

Our karma have karma storage(阿赖耶识) and it will form as just we are now. The karma storage(阿赖耶识) is emptiness but it has form. And form is emptiness.

The Buddha has told us that human being is not a human being, Buddha is not a Buddha, human being can be a Buddha. To be a Buddha we must make our heart free from attachment, difference and reduce all imagination.


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