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Friday 12 November 2010

Could Human Become A Buddha Or An Arahant?

Ofcourse, all living beings have seed to become a Buddha. That’s why they cultivate themselves very good every second and make their heart very large to helping people. In cultivate themselves they must not have envy, hatred, and ignorance. They also must throw away diferenciation, attachment, and defilements. When they have succeed and never return to doing bad karma, they can live at 4 worlds of Saint. In 4 worlds of Saint, only Buddha and Boddhisattva who born from a big lotus.

Sakyamuni Buddha already 11 kalpas become a Buddha, and Amitabha Buddha already 10 kalpas become a Buddha. Amitabha Buddha before become a Buddha, He was a Prince who joined monkhood name Dharmakara, He made 48 Great Vows before He ascended to Buddhahood.
All this 4 world of Saint, they all have gold body as strong as Vajranaraya, that’s mean They never return to 6 worlds of rebirth living beings (六道轮回), and they can neutralize Their own karma.

Theres 4 steps to become an Arahant:
1.       1. Already throw away 81 wrong vision (but not all), after they died they become a deva and they need to reborn as human and deva until 7 times, after that they will become an Arahant in the 4 worlds of Saints (四圣法界).
2.       2. Already throw away 81 wrong vision (but not all) and throw away 88 wrong perception (but not all), after they died they become a deva and they need to reborn as human and deva until 1 times, and after that they will become an Arahant.
1.       3. Already throw away 81 wrong vision and throw away 88 wrong perception and throw away much differenciation, after they died they will live in as deva in heaven and stay cultivating their heart after life in heaven they will become an Arahant.
2.       4. Already throw away 81 wrong vision and throw away 88 wrong perception and throw away much differenciation and let go the world things, so they already become an Arahant in this life for sure.


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