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Friday 12 November 2010

Who Is Buddha or Boddhisattva? 谁叫佛/菩萨?

Buddha and Boddhisattva are Saints, They already free from suffering and free from clingings, They can free Their heart from defilements by They own. They lives in their own world, Their world is different with 6 worlds of rebirth living beings (六道轮回).When They wanna cross the river in Their land, they sit upon the fragrance white elephant and it flies cross the river.

If we been touching by Buddha’s ray, at that time we must feel happy (loose all suffering, such as greed, hatred, ignorance), our body position will show the good one and all we say is all good words. But Buddha can hide Their ray, so we cannot feel anything special when They near us.

Amitabha Buddha already 10 kalpas become a Buddha.

When Buddha or Boddhisattva come and born again into this world, they call as come again (再来). Their words is like a bell which can make other living beings become mindfulness. If They come usually They have duty to protect Dhamma which from the teacher of the world (ex: Sakyamuni Buddha as teacher now) and helping living beings. Only the teacher of the world who can make a miraculous things when He (Buddha) is born. When They are born They have lost their memories, they can be born as a man or a woman, also they can be born as Boddhisattva also can be born as lay people (as a teacher, as a bhikkhu or a bhikkhuni, as a king, as a student, as a gambler,as a villain, etc), all is depending to the living beings in this world wants They come again become what. Buddha and Boddhisattva all can choose They own parents. But when They come, all is didn’t have magical power, and then until They become enlightenment, the power will comes out, They wanna show all people can reach awareness and enlightenment. When They come again to this world, that because They have duty to protect Buddha Dhamma, so people shouldn’t ever rob and kill Them. They can arrange they time to get nirvana(往生), and at minutes before nirvana time come if it necessary They will tell Their real name as a Buddha and a Boddhisattva. All Buddha and Boddhisattva never say Their identity to other people, if They say Their identity to others that's mean They should be nirvana at that time, if They not nirvana that mean They not a Buddha or Boddhisattva.


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